Sunday, July 8, 2012

To iPad or 2 Data Pad? To boldly go where no electronic has gone before.

So in responding to one of my classmates blogs I came across this link that has "10 Sci-Fi Predictions That Came True" here is that link:
Even though we are a bit slow on the whole space frontier, there are other areas that have kept pace and in some cases we are ahead of the curve. For example : This is a Data Pad used in the show Star Trek The Next Generation. Compare this to the iPad2.
This show came out in September of 1987 and showed a future set in the years of 2364 through 2370. These Data pads could do everything an iPad can do. The ship was even the "Cloud" for super computing.
It still disappoints me that we went from Jules Verne and his voyage to the moon to the real Nasa mission. I understand that they have not figured out how to bend time and space, but how many years have we had a space station in space? How many years did the Russians have their space station up before it returned back to earth? With enough money Russia will even take you up in their rockets. Commercialism is good but I hope that it does not stall because of riches to be gained.


  1. I find it incredibly fascinating that Star Trek and the minds behind it we’re such forward thinkers that their visions that were so far-fetched at the time can and are realities of our current culture!

  2. I was ecstatic when I saw that your post was about Star Trek! I was actually talking with my boyfriend about this exact topic a few weeks ago. The advancement in technology has been fantastic, and I believe it is in part to the TV show. Automatic doors weren't even considered a possibility until Star Trek aired. So many of our modern ideas have a link back to that show and I find it amazing! That show had a lot of firsts, and I believe it is only a matter of time before we find ways to make more of the technology a reality.

  3. I think this information was really interesting! Who would have imagined then that we would have those things now? And why didn't we think about it sooner! :P
